Search Results: "andy"

27 August 2023

Steve McIntyre: We're back!

It's August Bank Holiday Weekend, we're in Cambridge. It must be the Debian UK OMGWTFBBQ!. We're about halfway through, and we've already polished off lots and lots of good food and beer. Lars is making pancakes as I write this, :-) We had an awesome game of Mao last night. People are having fun! Many thanks to a number of awesome friendly people for again sponsoring the important refreshments for the weekend. It's hungry/thirsty work celebrating like this!

Gunnar Wolf: Interested in adopting the RPi images for Debian?

Back in June 2018, Michael Stapelberg put the Raspberry Pi image building up for adoption. He created the first set of unofficial, experimental Raspberry Pi images for Debian. I promptly answered to him, and while it took me some time to actually warp my head around Michael s work, managed to eventually do so. By December, I started pushing some updates. Not only that: I didn t think much about it in the beginning, as the needed non-free pacakge was called raspi3-firmware, but By early 2019, I had it running for all of the then-available Raspberry families (so the package was naturally renamed to raspi-firmware). I got my Raspberry Pi 4 at DebConf19 (thanks to Andy, who brought it from Cambridge), and it soon joined the happy Debian family. The images are built daily, and are available in In the process, I also adopted Lars great vmdb2 image building tool, and have kept it decently up to date (yes, I m currently lagging behind, but I ll get to it soonish ). Anyway This year, I have been seriously neglecting the Raspberry builds. I have simply not had time to regularly test built images, nor to debug why the builder has not picked up building for trixie (testing). And my time availability is not going to improve any time soon. We are close to one month away from moving for six months to Paran (Argentina), where I ll be focusing on my PhD. And while I do contemplate taking my Raspberries along, I do not forsee being able to put much energy to them. So This is basically a call for adoption for the Raspberry Debian images building service. I do intend to stick around and try to help. It s not only me (although I m responsible for the build itself) we have a nice and healthy group of Debian people hanging out in the #debian-raspberrypi channel in OFTC IRC. Don t be afraid, and come ask. I hope giving this project in adoption will breathe new life into it!

22 August 2023

Scarlett Gately Moore: KDE: A Day in the Life the KDE Snapcrafter Part 2

KDE MascotKDE Mascot
Much to my dismay, I figured out that my blog has been disabled on the Ubuntu planet since May. If you are curious about what I have been up to, please go to the handy links -> and read up! This post is a continuation of last weeks IMPORTANT: I am still looking for a super awesome team lead for a super amazing project involving KDE and Snaps. Time is running out and well the KDE world will be a better a better place if this project goes through! I would like to clarify, this is a paid position! A current KDE developer would be ideal as it is a small team so your time will be split managing and coding alike. If you or anyone you know might be interested please contact me ASAP! Snaps: I am wrapping up the 23.04.3 KDE applications release! Head on over to and enjoy! We are now up to 180 snaps! PIM snaps will be slowly rolling in as they go through manual reviews for D-Bus. Snapcraft: minor fix in qmake plugin found by ruff. Launchpad: I almost have approval for per application repository snapcraft files, but I have to prove it will work to our benefit and not cause loads of polling etc. So I have been testing various methods of achieving such a task, and so far I have come up with launchpads ability to watch and download release tarballs into a project. I will then need to script getting the tarball and pushing it to a bzr branch from which I can create a proper snap recipe. Unfortunately, my proper snap recipe fails! Hopefully a very helpful cjwatson will chime in, or if anyone wants to take a gander please chime in here: As reality sets in that my project may not happen if I don t find anyone, I need help surviving until I find work or funding to continue my snap work ( still much to do! ) If you or anyone else you know enjoys our snaps please consider a donation, anything helps! Please share! Thank you for your consideration!

13 August 2023

Fran ois Marier: Using iptables with systemd-networkd

I used to rely on ifupdown to bring up my iptables firewall automatically using a config like this in /etc/network/interfaces:
allow-hotplug eno1
iface eno1 inet dhcp
    pre-up iptables-restore /etc/network/iptables.up.rules
iface eno1 inet6 dhcp
    pre-up ip6tables-restore /etc/network/ip6tables.up.rules
but I wanted to modernize my network configuration and make use of systemd-networkd after upgrading one of my servers to Debian bookworm. Since I already wrote an iptables dispatcher script for NetworkManager, I decided to follow the same approach for systemd-networkd. I started by installing networkd-dispatcher:
apt install networkd-dispatcher
and then adding a script for the routable state in /etc/networkd-dispatcher/routable.d/iptables:
if [ "$IFACE" = lo ]; then
    echo "$0: ignoring $IFACE for \ $STATE'" >> $LOGFILE
    exit 0
case "$STATE" in
        echo "$0: restoring iptables rules for $IFACE" >> $LOGFILE
        /sbin/iptables-restore /etc/network/iptables.up.rules >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        /sbin/ip6tables-restore /etc/network/ip6tables.up.rules >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
        echo "$0: nothing to do with $IFACE for \ $STATE'" >> $LOGFILE
before finally making that script executable (otherwise it won't run):
chmod a+x /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/pre-up.d/iptables
With this in place, I can put my iptables rules in the usual place (/etc/network/iptables.up.rules and /etc/network/ip6tables.up.rules) and use the handy iptables-apply and ip6tables-apply commands to test any changes to my firewall rules. Looking at /var/log/iptables.log confirms that it is being called correctly for each network interface as they are started.

1 August 2023

Jonathan Dowland: Interzone's new home

IZ #294, the latest issue IZ #294, the latest issue
The long running British1 SF Magazine Interzone has a new home and new editor, Gareth Jelley, starting with issue 294. It's also got a swanky new format ("JB6"): a perfect-bound, paperback novel size, perfect for fitting into an oversize coat or jeans pocket for reading on the train. I started reading Interzone in around 2003, having picked up an issue (#176) from Feb 2002 that was languishing on the shelves in Forbidden Planet. Once I discovered it I wondered why it had taken me so long. That issue introduced me to Greg Egan. I bought a number of back issues on eBay, to grab issues with stories by people including Terry Pratchett, Iain Banks, Alastair Reynolds, and others.
IZ #194: The first by TTA press IZ #194: The first by TTA press
A short while later in early 2004, after 22 years, Interzone's owner and editorship changed from David Pringle to Andy Cox and TTA Press. I can remember the initial transition was very jarring: the cover emphasised expanding into coverage of Manga, Graphic Novels and Video Games (which ultimately didn't happen) but after a short period of experimentation it quickly settled down into a similarly fantastic read. I particularly liked the move to a smaller, perfect-bound form-factor in 2012. I had to double-check this but I'd been reading IZ throughout the TTA era and it lasted 18 years! Throughout that time I have discovered countless fantastic authors that I would otherwise never have experienced. Some (but by no means all) are Dominic Green, Daniel Kaysen, Chris Beckett, C cile Cristofari, Aliya Whiteley, Tim Major, Fran oise Harvey, Will McIntosh. Cox has now retired (after 100 issues and a tenure almost as long as Pringle) and handed the reins to Gareth Jelley/MYY Press, who have published their first issue, #294. Jelley is clearly putting a huge amount of effort into revitalizing the magazine. There's a new homepage at but also companion internet presences: a plethora of digital content at, Interzone Socials (a novel idea), a Discord server, a podcast, and no doubt more. Having said that, the economics of small magazines have been perilous for a long time, and that hasn't changed, so I think the future of IZ (in physical format at least) is in peril. If you enjoy short fiction, fresh ideas, SF/F/Fantastika; why not try a subscription to Interzone, whilst you still can!

  1. Interzone has always been "British", in some sense, but never exclusively so. I recall fondly a long-term project under Pringle to publish a lot of Serbian writer Zoran ivkovi , for example, and the very first story I read was by Australian Greg Egan. Under Jelley, the magazine is being printed in Poland and priced in Euros. I expect it to continue to attract and publish writers from all over the place.

30 July 2023

Russell Coker: Links July 2023 has an interesting article about finding evidence for nanohertz gravity waves [1]. 1nano-Herz is a wavelength of 31.7 light years! Wired has an interesting story about OpenAI saying that no further advances will be made with larger training models [2]. Bruce Schneier and Nathan Sanders wrote an insightful article about the need for government run GPT type systems [3]. He focuses on the US, but having other countries/groups of countries do it would be good too. We could have a Chinese one, an EU one, etc. I don t think it would necessarily make sense for a small country like Australia to have one but it would make a lot more sense than having nuclear submarines (which are much more expensive). The Roadmap project is a guide for learning new technologies [4]. The content seems quite good. Bigthink has an informative and darkly amusing article Horror stories of cryonics: The gruesome fates of futurists hoping for immortality [5]. From this month in Australia psilocybin (active ingredient in Magic Mushrooms) can be prescribed for depression and MDMA (known as Ecstacy on the streets) can be prescribed for PTSD [6]. That s great news! Slate has an interesting article about the Operation Underground Railroad organisation that purports to help sex trafficed chilren [7]. This is noteworthy now with the controverst over the recent movie about that. Apparently they didn t provide much help for kids after they had been rescued and at least some of the kids were trafficed specifically to fulfill the demand that they created by offering to pay for it. Vigilantes aren t as effective as law enforcement. The ACCC is going to prevent Apple and Google from forcing app developers to give them a share of in-app purchases in Australia [8]. We need this in every country! This site has links to open source versions of proprietary games [9]. Vice has an interesting article about the Hungarian neuroscientist Viktor T th who taught rats to play Doom 2 [10]. The next logical step is to have mini tanks that they can use in real battlefields. Like the Mason s Rats episode of Love Death and Robots on Netflix. Brian Krebs wrote a mind boggling pair of blog posts about the Ashley Adison hack [11]. A Jewish disgruntled ex-employee sending anti-semitic harassment to the Jewish CEO and maybe cooperating with anti-semitic organisations to harass him is one of the people involved, but he killed himself (due to mental health problems) before the hack took place. Long Now has an insightful blog post about digital avatars being used after the death of the people they are based on [12]. Tavis Ormandy s description of the zenbleed bug is interesting [13]. The technique for finding the bug is interesting as well as the information on how the internals of the CPUs in question work. I don t think this means AMD is bad, trying to deliver increasing performance while limited by the laws of physics is difficult and mistakes are sometimes made. Let s hope the microcode updates are well distributed. The Hacktivist documentary about Andrew Bunnie Huang is really good [14]. Bunnie s lecture about supply chain attacks is worth watching [15]. Most descriptions of this issue don t give nearly as much information. However bad you thought this problem was, after you watch this lecture you will realise it s worse than that!

1 July 2023

Bastian Venthur: dotenv-cli update

Thanks to Nicholas Guriev, dotenv-cli now uses exec instead of popen to create the new process on POSIX systems. As a refresher, dotenv-cli is a package that provides the dotenv command. dotenv reads the .env file from the current directory, puts the contents in the environment variables, and executes the given command with the extra environment variables set. dotenv comes in handy if you follow the 12 factor app methodology or just need to run a program locally with specific environment variables set. With this new change, when you call
dotenv my_awesome_tool
instead of forking a new process for my_awesome_tool, effectively creating a child process of dotenv, dotenv now uses exec to become the new process. This is a bit cleaner, as there is no longer a dotenv-process running that you don t actually care about, and less-error prone when trying to send signals such as SIGTERM to the processes that runs my_awesome_tool. Unfortunately, exec does not work properly under Windows, so here we still fall back to using popen. This new feature is available in version 3.2.0 which is available on PyPI and debian/unstable.

27 June 2023

Matt Brown: Designing a PCBA friendly CO2 monitor currently uses monitors based on Oliver Seiler s open source design which I am personally building. This post describes my exploration of how to achieve production of a CO2 monitor that could enable the growth of

Goals Primarily I want to design a CO2 monitor which allows the majority of the production process to be outsourced. In particular, the PCB should be able to be assembled in an automated fashion (PCBA). As a secondary goal, I d like to improve the aesthetics of the monitor while retaining the unique feature of displaying clear visual indication of the current ventilation level through coloured lights. Overall, I ll consider the project successfull if I can achieve a visually attractive CO2 monitor which takes me less than 10 minutes per monitor to assemble/box/ship and whose production cost has the potential to be lower than the current model.


Schematic The existing CO2 monitor design provides a solid foundation but relies upon the ESP32 Devkit board, which is intended for evaluation purposes and is not well suited to automated assembly. Replacing this devkit board with the underlying ESP32 module is the major change needed to enable PCBA production, which then also requires moving the supporting electronics from the devkit board directly onto the primary PCB. The basic ESP32 chipset used in the devkit boards is no longer available as a discrete module suitable for placement directly onto a PCB which means the board will also have to be updated to use a more modern variant of the ESP32 chipset which is in active production such as the ESP32-S3. The ESP32-S3-WROOM1-N4 module is a very close match to the original devkit and will be suitable for this project. In addition to the change of ESP module, I made the following other changes to the components in use:
  • Added an additional temperature/humidity sensor (SHT30). The current monitors take temperature/humidity measurements from the SCD40 chipset. These are primarily intended to help in the calculation of CO2 levels and rely on an offset being subtracted to account for the heat generated by the electronic components themselves. I ve found their accuracy to OK, but not perfect. SHT30 is a cheap part, so its addition to hopefully provide improved temperature/humidity measurement is an easy choice.
  • Swapped to USB-C instead of USB-B for the power connector. USB-C is much more common than USB-B and is also smaller and not as tall off the board which provides more flexibility in the case design.
With major components selected the key task is to draw the schematic diagram describing how they electrically connect to each other, which includes all the supporting electronics (e.g. resistors, capacitors, etc) needed. Schematic I started out trying to use the EasyEDA/OSHWLab ecosystem thinking the tight integration with JLCPCB s assembly services would be a benefit, but the web interface was too clunky and limiting and I quickly got frustrated. KiCad proved to be a much more pleasant and capable tool for the job. The reference design in the ESP32 datasheet (p28) and USB-C power supply examples from blnlabs were particularly helpful alongside the KiCad documentation and the example of the existing monitor in completing this step (click the image to enlarge).

Layout The next step is to physically lay out where each component from the schematic will sit on the PCB itself. Obviously this requires first determining the overall size, shape and outline of the board and needs to occur in iteration with the intended design of the overall monitor, including the case, to ensure components like switches and USB sockets line up correctly. In addition to the requirements around the look and function of the case, the components themselves also have considerations that must be taken into account, including:
  • For best WiFi reception, the ESP32 antenna should be at the top of the monitor and should not have PCB underneath it, or for a specified distance either side of it.
  • The SHT30 temperature sensor should be as far from any heat generating components (e.g. the ESP32, BME680 and SCD40 modules) as possible and also considering that any generated heat will rise, as low on the monitor as possible.
  • The sensors measuring the air (SCD40, BME680 and SHT30) must have good exposure to the air outside the case.
PCB Taking all of these factors into account I ended up with a square PCB containing a cutout in the top right so that the ESP32 antenna can sit within the overall square outline while still meeting its design requirements. The SCD40 and BME680 sit in the top left corner, near the edges for good airflow and far away from the SHT30 temperature sensor in the bottom left corner. The LEDs I placed in a horizontal row across the center of the board, the LCD in the bottom right, a push button on the right-hand side and the USB-C socket in the center at the bottom. Once the components are placed, the next big task is to route the traces (aka wires) between the components on the board such that all the required electrical connections are made without any unintended connections (aka shorts) being created. This is a fun constraint solving/optimisation challenge and takes on an almost artistic aspect with other PCB designers often having strong opinions on which layout is best. The majority of the traces and routing for this board were able to be placed on the top layer of the PCB, but I also made use of the back layer for a few traces to help avoid conflicts and deal with places where different traces needed to cross each other. It s easy to see how this step would be much more challenging and time consuming on a larger and more complex PCB design. The final touches were to add some debugging breakouts for the serial and JTAG ports on the ESP32-S3 and a logo and various other helpful text on the silkscreen layer that will be printed on the PCB so it looks nice.

Production For assembly of the PCB, I went with JLCPCB based out of China. The trickiest part of the process was component selection and ensuring that the parts I had planned in the schematic were available. JLCPCB in conjunction with provides a basic and extended part library. If you use only basic parts you get quicker and cheaper assembly, while using extended parts bumps your order into a longer process with a small fee charged for each component on the board. Initially I spent a lot of time selecting components (particularly LEDs and switches) that were in the basic library before realising that the ESP32 modules are only available in the extended library! I think the lesson is that unless you re building the most trivial PCB with only passive components you will almost certainly end up in the advanced assembly process anyway, so trying to stay within the basic parts library is not worth the time. Unfortunately the SCD40 sensor, the most crucial part of the monitor, is not stocked at all by JLCPCB/LCSC! To work around this JLCPCB will maintain a personal component library for you when you ship components to them to for use in future orders. Given the extra logistical time and hassle of having to do this, combined with having a number of SCD40 components already on hand I decided to have the boards assembled without this component populated for the initial prototype run. This also had the benefit of lowering the risk if something went wrong as the cost of the SCD40 is greater than the cost of the PCB and all the other components combined! I found the kicad-jlcpcb-tools plugin for KiCad invaluable for keeping track of what part from I was planning to use for each component and generating the necessary output files for JLCPCB. The plugin allows you to store these mappings in your actual schematic which is very handy. The search interface it provides is fairly clunky and I found it was often easier to search for the part I needed on and then just copy the part number across into the plugin s search box rather than trying to search by name or component type. The LCD screen is the remaining component which is not easily assembled onto the PCB directly, but as you ll see next, this actually turned out to be OK as integrating the screen directly into the case makes the final assembly process smoother. fabricated PCBs The final surprise in the assembly process was the concept of edge rails, additional PCB material that is needed on either side of the board to help with feeding it through the assembly machine in the correct position. These can be added automatically by JLCPCB and have to be snapped off after the completed boards are received. I hadn t heard about these before and I was a little worried that they d interfere or get in the way of either the antenna cut-out at the top of the board, or the switch on the right hand side as it overhangs the edge so it can sit flush with the case. In the end there was no issue with the edge rails. The switch was placed hanging over them without issue and snapping them off once the boards arrived was a trivial 30s job using a vice to hold the edge rail and then gently tipping the board over until it snapped off - the interface between the board and the rails while solid looking has obviously been scored or perforated in some way during the production process so the edge breaks cleanly and smoothly. Magic! The process was amazingly quick with the completed PCBs (picture above) arriving within 7 days of the order being placed and looking amazing.


Design I mocked up a very simple prototype of the case in FreeCAD during the PCB design process to help position and align the placement of the screen, switch and USB socket on the PCB as all three of these components interface directly with the edges of the case. Initially this design was similar to the current monitor design where the PCB (with lights and screen attached) sits in the bottom of the case, which has walls containing grilles for airflow and then a separate transparent perspex is screwed onto the top to complete the enclosure. As part of the aesthetic improvements for the new monitor I wanted to move away from a transparent front panel to something opaque but still translucent enough to allow the colour of the lights to show through. Without a transparent front panel the LCD also needs to be mounted directly into the case itself. The first few prototype iterations followed the design of the original CO2 monitor with a flat front panel that attaches to the rest of the case containing the PCB, but the new requirement to also attach the LCD to the front panel proved to make this unworkable. To stay in place the LCD has to be pushed onto mounting poles containing a catch mechanism which requires a moderate amount of force and applying that force to the LCD board when it is already connected to the PCB is essentially impossible. case with lcd attached As a result I ended up completely flipping the design such that the front panel is a single piece of plastic that also encompasses the walls of the case and contains appropriate mounting stakes for both the screen and the main PCB. Getting to this design hugely simplified the assembly process. Starting with an empty case lying face down on a bench, the LCD screen is pushed onto the mounting poles and sits flush with the cover of the case - easily achieved without the main PCB yet in place. case with pcb in place Next, the main PCB is gently lowered into the case facing downwards and sits on the mounting pole in each corner with the pins for the LCD just protruding through the appropriate holes in the PCB ready to be quickly soldered into place (this took significant iteration and tuning of dimensions/positioning to achieve!). Finally, a back panel can be attached which holds the PCB in place and uses cantilever snap joints to click on to the rest of the case. Overall the design is a huge improvement over the previous case which required screws and spacers to position the PCB and cover relative to the rest of the case, with the spacers and screws being particularly fiddly to work with. The major concern I had with the new design was that the mount to attach the monitor to the wall has moved from being attached to the main case and components directly to needing to be on the removable back panel - if the clips holding this panel to the case fail the core part of the monitor will fall off the wall which would not be good. To guard against this I ve doubled the size and number of clips at the top of the case (which bears the weight) and the result seems very robust in my testing. To completely assemble a monitor, including the soldering step takes me about 2-3 minutes individually, and would be even quicker if working in batches.

Production Given the number of design/testing iterations required to fine tune the case I chose not to outsource case production for now and used my 3D printer to produce them. I ve successfully used JLCPCB s 3D printing service for the previous case design, so I m confident that getting sufficient cases printed from JLCPCB or another supplier will not be an issue now that the design is finalised. completed monitor I tried a variety of filament colours, but settled on a transparent filament which once combined in the necessary layers to form the case is not actually transparent like perspex is, but provides a nice translucent medium which achieves the goal of having the light colour visible without exposing all of the circuit board detail. There s room for future improvement in the positioning of the LEDs on the circuit board to provide a more even distribution of light across the case but overall I really like the way the completed monitor ends up looking.

Evaluation Building this monitor has been a really fun project, both in seeing something progress from an idea, to plans on a screen to a nice physical thing on my wall, but also in learning and developing a bunch of new skills in PCB design, assembly and 3D design. completed monitor The goal of having a CO2 monitor which I can outsource the vast majority of production of is as close to being met as I think is possible without undertaking the final proof of placing a large order. I ve satisfied myself that each step is feasible and that the final assembly process is quick, easy and well below the level of effort and time it was taking me to produce the original monitors. Cost wise it s also a huge win, primarily in terms of the time taken, but also in the raw components - currently the five prototypes I ordered and built are on par with the component cost of the original CO2 monitor, but this will drop further with larger orders due to price breaks and amortisation of the setup and shipping expenses across more monitors. This project has also given me a much better appreciation for how much I m only just scratching the surface of the potential complexities and challenges in producing a hardware product of this type. I m reasonably confident I could successfully produce a few hundred and maybe even a few thousand monitors using this approach, but it s also clear that getting beyond that point is and would be a whole further level of effort and learning. Hardware is hard work. That s not news to anyone, including me, but there is something to be said for experiencing the process first hand to make the reality of what s required real. The PCB and case designs are both shared and can be found at and, feedback and suggestions welcome!

18 June 2023

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppSpdlog 0.0.13 on CRAN: Small Extensions

Version 0.0.13 of RcppSpdlog is now on CRAN and will be soon be uploaded to Debian too. RcppSpdlog bundles spdlog, a wonderful header-only C++ logging library with all the bells and whistles you would want that was written by Gabi Melman, and also includes fmt by Victor Zverovich. You can learn more at the package documention site. This release adds a small (but handy) accessor generalisation: Instead of calling setup() with two arguments for a label and the logging level we now only require the desired level. We also cleaned up one implementation detail for the stopwatch feature added in January, and simplified the default C++ compilation standard setting. The NEWS entry for this release follows.

Changes in RcppSpdlog version 0.0.13 (2023-06-17)
  • Minor tweak to stopwatch setup avoids pulling in fmt
  • No longer set a C++ compilation standard as the default choices by R are sufficient for the package
  • Add convenience wrapper log_init omitting first argument to log_setup while preserving the interface from the latter
  • Add convenience setup wrappers init and log to API header file spdl.h

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report. More detailed information is on the RcppSpdlog page, or the package documention site. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

31 May 2023

Russell Coker: Genesis GV60

I recently test drove a Genesis GV70, but the GV60 [1] which I didn t test drive is a nicer car. The GV70 and GV60 are all electric so they are quiet and perform well. The GV70 has a sun-roof that opens, it was the first car I ve driven like that and I decided I don t like it. Having the shade open so I can see the sky while stuck in a traffic jam is nice though. The GV60 has a non-opening sun-roof with a shade that can be retracted, this is a feature I d really like to have in my next car. Electric cars as a general rule have good acceleration and are quiet, the GV70 performed as expected in that regard. It has a head-up display projected on the windscreen for the speed and the speed limit on the road in question which is handy. When driving in a car park it showed images from all sides which is really handy, I wish I had explored that feature more. The console is all electronic with a TFT display instead of mechanical instruments but the only significant difference this makes in driving is that when a turn indicator is used the console display shows a video feed for the blind-spot that matches the lane change direction. This is a significant safety feature and will reduce the incidence of collisions. But the capabilities of the hardware seem under utilised, hopefully they will release a software update at some future time to do more with it. The most significant benefit of the GV60 over the GV70 is that it has cameras instead of mirrors at the sides of the car. This reduces drag and also removes the need to adjust mirrors to match the height of the driver. Also for driver instruction the instructor and learner get to see the same view. A logical development of such cars is an expansion pack for instruction that has displays in the passenger seat to show the instructor the same instrument view as the driver sees. The minimum list driveaway price for the GV60 is $117,171.50 and for the GV70 it is $138,119.89 both of which are more than I m prepared to pay for a car. The GV60 apparently can be started by fingerprint which seems like a bad idea given the poor security of fingerprint sensors, but as regular car keys tend not to be too difficult to work around it probably doesn t matter. The Genesis web site makes it difficult to find the ranges of electric cars which is surprising. A Google search suggests that the GV60 can do 466Km and the GV70 can do 410Km which are both reasonable numbers and nothing to be ashamed of. The GV70 was a fun car to drive and the GV60 looks like it would be even better. I recommend that everyone who likes technology take one for a test drive, but for my own use I m looking for something that costs less than half as much.

17 May 2023

Jamie McClelland: Cranky old timers should know perl

I act like an old timer (I ve been around linux for 25 years and I m cranky about new tech that is not easily maintained and upgraded) yet somehow I don t know perl. How did that happen? I discovered this state when I decided to move from the heroically packaged yet seemingly upstream un-maintained opendmarc package to authentication_milter. It s written in perl. And, alas, not in debian. How hard could this be? The instructions for installing seemed pretty straight forward: cpanm Mail::Milter::Authentication. Wah. I m glad I tried this out on a test virtual machine. It took forever! It ran tests! It compiled things! And, it installed a bunch of perl modules already packaged in Debian. I don t think I want to add this command to my ansible playbook. Next I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to list the dependencies of a given CPAN module. I was looking for something like cpanm --list-dependencies Mail::Milter::Authentication but eventually ended up writing a perl script that output perl code, inserting a use " before each dependency and a semicolon and line break after them. Then, I could execute that script on a clean debian installation and see which perl modules I needed. For each error, I checked for the module in Debian (and installed it) or kept a list of modules I would have to build (and commented out the line). Once I had a list of modules to build, I used the handy cpan2deb command. It took some creative ordering but eventually I got it right. Since I will surely forget how to do this when it s time to upgrade, I wrote a script. In total it took me several days to figure this all out, so I once again find myself very appreciative of all the debian packagers out there - particularly the perl ones!! And also if I did this all wrong and there is an easier way I would love to hear about it in the comments.

18 April 2023

Matthew Palmer: Rutie and Magnus, Two Good Ways to Build Ruby Extensions in Rust

I wrote the Ruby bindings for the Enquo Project, my attempt to bring queryable encryption to all databases, using the Rutie library. Recently, I ve rewritten the bindings to use Magnus instead, and I thought I d put down my thoughts about the whole situation.

The Story So Far The Enquo Project core cryptography is all written in Rust, as seems to be the vogue these days. Rust is fast, safe, and easily interoperable with most of the rest of the modern software development ecosystem, making it a good choice as a language to implement the cryptographic primitives that Enquo needs, like Order-Revealing Encryption. Of course, since not everyone writes their applications in Rust, we need to provide the functionality of the Enquo client in the languages that people do use, such as Ruby, Python, and so on. Since re-writing all that cryptographic code in a myriad of languages would be tedious and error-prone, we instead provide bindings to the core Rust code. These are just thin shims of code that translate the data types and function calls between Rust and the target language.
Shim in a Can Wrong sort of shim, but canned language bindings would be handy
As I m most familiar with Ruby and its development ecosystem (particularly Ruby on Rails), it was natural that I d make Ruby bindings for Enquo as my first target. Rummaging around, it seemed that Rutie was a good library to use, so off I went.

What are Rutie and Magnus, Anyway? Both libraries share the same goal: provide the ability to write some Rust code, run that through a compiler, and produce something that can be loaded by the Ruby interpreter and used just like any other Ruby class. They re both fairly high level interfaces, trying to abstract away much of the gory details, and do a lot of the common heavy lifting that can make writing bindings fiddly and annoying. Things like mapping data types (like strings and integers) between Rust data types and the closest equivalents in Ruby. This mapping never goes perfectly smoothly. For example, Ruby integers don t have a fixed range of values they can represent you can store a huge number like 2256 more-or-less as easily as you can the number 12. But Rust, being a lower-level language, only has a set of integer types that have fixed boundaries, like the u32 type, which can only store integers between zero and about four billion (232 - 1, to be precise). There s also lots of little things that need to be just right, also, like translating the different memory management approaches of the languages, and dealing with a myriad of fiddly little issues like passing arguments and return values in and out of method calls, helpers for defining classes and methods (and pointing to the correct Rust functions), and so on.
A mass of tangled pipes and valves This is what I imagine it looks like inside these libraries
(Herv Cozanet / Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA)
All in all, these libraries are fairly significant pieces of work, and I m mighty glad that someone else has taken on the job of building (and maintaining!) them.

So Why the Change? Good question. It s important to say at the outset that there s nothing particularly wrong with Rutie. I found using Rutie to be very straightforward, and the Ruby bindings came together very quickly and easily. If someone chose to use Rutie for their project, I m sure they d have a good experience. What made me take the time to rewrite using Magnus was a set of a few tiny things, which together gave me enough of a shove to do the work. Firstly, I d had a hiccup with Rutie s support of newer versions of Ruby, particularly 3.2 (PR). Also, I d hit a couple of segfault issues, which were ultimately caused by Ruby garbage-collecting data out from underneath me. These were ultimately my fault, of course, but Rutie wasn t helping me out in avoiding the problems in the first place. Finally, while Rutie helped translate data types, there was still a bit of boilerplate and ugliness that needed to be included. This wasn t a showstopper, but I m appreciating the extra smoothness that Magnus provides here. As an example, here s what s required in Rutie to get native Rust data types from Ruby method parameters (and the self reference to the current object):
fn enquo_field_decrypt_text(ciphertext_obj: RString, context_obj: RString) -> RString  
    let ciphertext = ciphertext_obj.to_str_unchecked();
    let context = context_obj.to_vec_u8_unchecked();
    let field = rbself.get_data(&*FIELD_WRAPPER);
    // etc etc etc
The equivalent in Magnus is just the function signature:
fn decrypt_text(&self, ciphertext: String, context: String) -> Result<String, magnus::Error>  
You can also see there that Magnus signals an exception via the Result return value, while Rutie s approach to raising an exception involves poking the Ruby VM directly, which always struck me as a bit ugly. There are several other minor things in Magnus (like its cleaner approach to wrapping structs so they can be stored in Ruby objects) that I m appreciating, too. Never discount the power of ergonomics for making a happy developer.

The End Result I spent a bit over half of last weekend doing the rewrite maybe ten hours of so. Since Magnus did more type checking and data validation, and its approach to error handling was smoother, I took the opportunity to rewrite a bunch of Ruby wrapper code I d written (which just existed to check things like ranges of values and string encodings) into Rust, as well. To make sure that the conversion was accurate, I added a heap more unit tests to the bindings. I also took the opportunity to restructure the codebase to split the code for the different Ruby classes into separate files, which I hadn t done initially as the code had originally accreted, rather than being purposefully written. All up, though, my rewrite ended up removing over 60 lines (excluding the extra specs I added):
$ git diff --stat -- lib ext/enquo/src
 ruby/ext/enquo/src/         342 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ruby/ext/enquo/src/           338 ++++---------------------------------
 ruby/ext/enquo/src/           39 +++++
 ruby/ext/enquo/src/       67 ++++++++
 ruby/lib/enquo.rb                     6 +-
 ruby/lib/enquo/field.rb             173 -------------------
 ruby/lib/enquo/root.rb               28 ----
 ruby/lib/enquo/root_key.rb            1 -
 ruby/lib/enquo/root_key/static.rb    27 ---
 9 files changed, 479 insertions(+), 542 deletions(-)
Considering that I was translating from a higher level language into a lower level one, the removal of so much code is quite remarkable. Magnus was able to automagically replace rather a lot of raise ArgumentError if something.isnt_right code in those .rb files. So, in conclusion, if you, too, are building Ruby extensions in Rust, while Rutie is a solid choice (and you probably should stick with it if you re already using it), I highly recommend giving Magnus a look for your next extension.

7 April 2023

Matthew Palmer: Database Encryption: If It's So Good, Why Isn't Everyone Doing It?

a wordcloud of organisations who have been reported to have had data breaches in 2022 Just some of the organisations that leaked data in 2022
It seems like just about every day there s another report of another company getting hacked and having its sensitive data (or, worse, the sensitive data of its customers) stolen. Sometimes, people s most intimate information gets dumped for the world to see. Other times it s just used for identity theft, extortion, and other crimes. In the least worst case, the attacker gets cold feet, but people suffer stress and inconvenience from having to replace identity documents. A great way to protect information from being leaked is to encrypt it. We encrypt data while it s being sent over the Internet (with TLS), and we encrypt it when it s at rest (with disk or volume encryption). Yet, everyone s data seems to still get stolen on a regular basis. Why? Because the data is kept online in an unencrypted form, sitting in the database while its being used. This means that attackers can just connect to the database, or trick the application into dumping the database, and all the data is just lying there, waiting to be misused.

It s Not the Devs Fault, Though You may be thinking that leaving an entire database full of sensitive data unencrypted seems like a terrible idea. And you re right: it is a terrible idea. But it s seemingly unavoidable. The problem is that in order to do what a database does best (query, sort, and aggregate data), it needs to be able to know what the data is. When you encrypt data, however, all the database sees is a locked box.
a locked box Not very useful for a database
The database can t tell what s in the locked box whether it s a number equal to 42, or a date that s less than 2023-01-01, or a string that contains the substring foo . Every value is just an opaque blob of stuff , and the database is rendered completely useless. Since modern applications usually rely pretty heavily on their database, it s essentially impossible to build an application if you ve turned your database into a glorified flat-file by encrypting everything in it. Thus, it s hardly surprising that developers have to leave the data laying around unencrypted, for anyone to come along and take.

Introducing Enquo I said before that having data unencrypted in a database is seemingly unavoidable. That s because there are some innovative cryptographic techniques that can make it possible to query encrypted data.
Andy Dwyer being amazed Indeed
The purpose of the Enquo project is to provide a common set of cryptographic primitives that implement ENcrypted QUery Operations (ie Enquo ), and integrate those operations into databases, ORMs, and anywhere else that could benefit. The end goal is to provide the ability to encrypt all the data stored in any database server, while still allowing the data to be queried and aggregated. So far, the project consists of these components:
  • the enquo-core library, that implements queryable encrypted integers, dates, and text in Rust and Ruby;
  • a PostgreSQL extension, pg_enquo, that allows PostgreSQL to query encrypted data; and
  • a Rails ActiveRecord extension, ActiveEnquo, that augments ActiveRecord to do the encryption/decryption required.
Support for other languages and ORMs is designed to be as straightforward as possible, and integration with other databases is mostly dependent on their own extensibility. The project s core tenets emphasise both uncompromising security, and a friendly developer experience. Naturally, all Enquo code is open source, released under the MIT licence.

Would You Like To Know More?
Desire to know more intensifies Everyone who uses a database...
If all this sounds relevant to your interests:
  1. If you use Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL, you re halfway home already. Follow the ActiveEnquo getting started tutorial and see how much of your data Enquo can already protect. When you find data you want to encrypt but can t, tell me about it.
    • If you use Ruby and PostgreSQL with another ORM, such as Sequel, writing a plugin to support Enquo shouldn t be too difficult. The ActiveEnquo code should give you a good start. If you get stuck, get in touch.
  2. If you use PostgreSQL with another programming language, tell me what language you use and we ll work together to get bindings for that library created.
  3. If you use another database server, support is coming for your database of choice eventually, but at present there s no timeline on support. On the off chance that you happen to be a hard-core database hacking expert, and would like to work on getting Enquo support in your preferred database server, I d love to talk to you.

6 April 2023

Michael Ablassmeier: tracking changes between pypi package releases

I wondered if there is some tracking for differences between packages published on pypi, something that stores this information in a format similar to debdiff.. I failed to find something on the web, so created a little utility which watches the pypi changelog for new releaes and fetches the new and old version. It uses diffoscope to create reports on the published releases and automatically pushes them to a github repository: Is it useful? I dont know, it may be handy for code review or maybe running different security scanners on it, to identify accidentaly pushed keys or other sensitive data. Currently its pushing the changes for every released package every 10 minutes, lets see how far this can go just for fun :-)

13 March 2023

Russell Coker: Xmpp Tools

For a while I ve had my monitoring systems alert me via XMPP (Jabber). To do that I used the sendxmpp command-line program which worked well for it s basic tasks. I recently noticed that my laptop and workstation which I had upgraded to Debian/Testing weren t sending messages, I m not sure when it started as my main monitoring of such machines is to touch a key and see if there s a response if I m not at the keyboard then a failure doesn t bother me too much. I ve filed Debian bug #1032868 [1] about this. As sendxmpp is apparently not supported upstream and we are preparing for a release it could be that the next version of Debian is released without this working (if it s specific to talking to Prosody) or without sendxmpp (if it fails on all Jabber servers). I next tested xmppc which doesn t send messages (gives no error when I have apparently correct parameters and just doesn t send anything) and doesn t display any text output for info related commands while not giving error messages or an error return code. I filed Debian bug #1032869 [2] about this. Currently the only success I ve found with Debian/Testing for this is with go-sendxmpp. To configure that you setup a file named ~/.config/go-sendxmpp/config with the following contents:
username: JABBER-ID
password: PASSWORD
Go-sendxmpp can take a username and password on the command-line but that s bad for security as in the absence of SE Linux or other advanced security systems the password can be seen by any user on the same system who runs ps. To send a message run echo $MESSAGE go-sendxmpp $ADDR to send $MESSAGE to $ADDR. It also has the option go-sendxmpp -l to listen for incoming messages. I don t have an immediate need to receive messages from the command-line but it s handy to have the option. I probably won t be able to get a new version of etbemon in Debian for the Bookworm release. So to get go-sendxmpp to work with etbemon you need to edit /usr/lib/mon/alert.d/mailxmpp.alert and change this sendxmpp line to this go-sendxmpp line:
open (XMPP, "  /usr/bin/sendxmpp -a /etc/ssl/certs -t @xmpprec -r $host")  
open (XMPP, "  /usr/bin/go-sendxmpp @xmpprec")  

10 March 2023

Antoine Beaupr : how to audit for open services with iproute2

The computer world has a tendency of reinventing the wheel once in a while. I am not a fan of that process, but sometimes I just have to bite the bullet and adapt to change. This post explains how I adapted to one particular change: the netstat to sockstat transition. I used to do this to show which processes where listening on which port on a server:
netstat -anpe
It was a handy mnemonic as, in France, ANPE was the agency responsible for the unemployed (basically). That would list all sockets (-a), not resolve hostnames (-n, because it's slow), show processes attached to the socket (-p) with extra info like the user (-e). This still works, but sometimes fail to find the actual process hooked to the port. Plus, it lists a whole bunch of UNIX sockets and non-listening sockets, which are generally irrelevant for such an audit. What I really wanted to use was really something like:
netstat -pleunt   sort
... which has the "pleut" mnemonic ("rains", but plural, which makes no sense and would be badly spelled anyway). That also only lists listening (-l) and network sockets, specifically UDP (-u) and TCP (-t). But enough with the legacy, let's try the brave new world of sockstat which has the unfortunate acronym ss. The equivalent sockstat command to the above is:
ss -pleuntO
It's similar to the above, except we need the -O flag otherwise ss does that confusing thing where it splits the output on multiple lines. But I actually use:
ss -plunt0
... i.e. without the -e as the information it gives (cgroup, fd number, etc) is not much more useful than what's already provided with -p (service and UID). All of the above also show sockets that are not actually a concern because they only listen on localhost. Those one should be filtered out. So now we embark into that wild filtering ride. This is going to list all open sockets and show the port number and service:
ss -pluntO --no-header   sed 's/^\([a-z]*\) *[A-Z]* *[0-9]* [0-9]* *[0-9]* */\1/'   sed 's/^[^:]*:\(:\]:\)\?//;s/\([0-9]*\) *[^ ]*/\1\t/;s/,fd=[0-9]*//'   sort -gu
For example on my desktop, it looks like:
anarcat@angela:~$ sudo ss -pluntO --no-header   sed 's/^\([a-z]*\) *[A-Z]* *[0-9]* [0-9]* *[0-9]* */\1/'   sed 's/^[^:]*:\(:\]:\)\?//;s/\([0-9]*\) *[^ ]*/\1\t/;s/,fd=[0-9]*//'   sort -gu
          [::]:* users:(("unbound",pid=1864))        
22  users:(("sshd",pid=1830))           
25  users:(("master",pid=3150))        
53  users:(("unbound",pid=1864))        
323 users:(("chronyd",pid=1876))        
500 users:(("charon",pid=2817))        
631 users:(("cups-browsed",pid=2744))   
2628    users:(("dictd",pid=2825))          
4001    users:(("emacs",pid=3578))          
4500    users:(("charon",pid=2817))        
5353    users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=1423))  
6600    users:(("systemd",pid=3461))       
8384    users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
9050    users:(("tor",pid=2857))            
21027   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
22000   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
33231   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
34953   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
35770   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
44944   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
47337   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
48903   users:(("mosh-client",pid=234126))  
52774   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
52938   users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=1423))  
54029   users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=1423))  
But that doesn't filter out the localhost stuff, lots of false positive (like emacs, above). And this is where it gets... not fun, as you need to match "localhost" but we don't resolve names, so you need to do some fancy pattern matching:
ss -pluntO --no-header   \
    sed 's/^\([a-z]*\) *[A-Z]* *[0-9]* [0-9]* *[0-9]* */\1/;s/^tcp//;s/^udp//'   \
    grep -v -e '^\[fe80::' -e '^' -e '^\[::1\]' -e '^192\.' -e '^172\.'   \
    sed 's/^[^:]*:\(:\]:\)\?//;s/\([0-9]*\) *[^ ]*/\1\t/;s/,fd=[0-9]*//'  \
    sort -gu
This is kind of horrible, but it works, those are the actually open ports on my machine:
anarcat@angela:~$ sudo ss -pluntO --no-header           sed 's/^\([a-
z]*\) *[A-Z]* *[0-9]* [0-9]* *[0-9]* */\1/;s/^tcp//;s/^udp//'        
   grep -v -e '^\[fe80::' -e '^' -e '^\[::1\]' -e '^192\.' -
e '^172\.'           sed 's/^[^:]*:\(:\]:\)\?//;s/\([0-9]*\) *[^ ]*/\
1\t/;s/,fd=[0-9]*//'          sort -gu
22  users:(("sshd",pid=1830))           
500 users:(("charon",pid=2817))        
631 users:(("cups-browsed",pid=2744))   
4500    users:(("charon",pid=2817))        
5353    users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=1423))  
6600    users:(("systemd",pid=3461))       
21027   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
22000   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
34953   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
35770   users:(("syncthing",pid=232169))   
48903   users:(("mosh-client",pid=234126))  
52938   users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=1423))  
54029   users:(("avahi-daemon",pid=1423))
Surely there must be a better way. It turns out that lsof can do some of this, and it's relatively straightforward. This lists all listening TCP sockets:
lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN +c 15   grep -v localhost   sort
A shorter version from Adam Shand is:
lsof -i @localhost
... which basically replaces the grep -v localhost line. In theory, this would do the equivalent on UDP
lsof -iUDP -sUDP:^Idle
... but in reality, it looks like lsof on Linux can't figure out the state of a UDP socket:
lsof: no UDP state names available: UDP:^Idle
... which, honestly, I'm baffled by. It's strange because ss can figure out the state of those sockets, heck it's how -l vs -a works after all. So we need something else to show listening UDP sockets. The following actually looks pretty good after all:
ss -pluO
That will list localhost sockets of course, so we can explicitly ask ss to resolve those and filter them out with something like:
ss -plurO   grep -v localhost
oh, and look here! ss supports pattern matching, so we can actually tell it to ignore localhost directly, which removes that horrible sed line we used earlier:
ss -pluntO '! ( src = localhost )'
That actually gives a pretty readable output. One annoyance is we can't really modify the columns here, so we still need some god-awful sed hacking on top of that to get a cleaner output:
ss -nplutO '! ( src = localhost )'    \
    sed 's/\(udp\ tcp\).*:\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2\t\1\t/;s/\([0-9][0-9]*\t[udtcp]*\t\)[^u]*users:(("/\1/;s/".*//;s/.*Address:Port.*/Netid\tPort\tProcess/'   \
    sort -nu
That looks horrible and is basically impossible to memorize. But it sure looks nice:
anarcat@angela:~$ sudo ss -nplutO '! ( src = localhost )'    sed 's/\(udp\ tcp\).*:\([0-9][0-9]*\)/\2\t\1\t/;s/\([0-9][0-9]*\t[udtcp]*\t\)[^u]*users:(("/\1/;s/".*//;s/.*Address:Port.*/Port\tNetid\tProcess/'   sort -nu
Port    Netid   Process
22  tcp sshd
500 udp charon
546 udp NetworkManager
631 udp cups-browsed
4500    udp charon
5353    udp avahi-daemon
6600    tcp systemd
21027   udp syncthing
22000   udp syncthing
34953   udp syncthing
35770   udp syncthing
48903   udp mosh-client
52938   udp avahi-daemon
54029   udp avahi-daemon
Better ideas welcome.

18 January 2023

Russ Allbery: Review: Forward

Review: Forward, edited by Blake Crouch
Publisher: Amazon Original Stories
Copyright: September 2019
ISBN: 1-5420-9206-X
ISBN: 1-5420-4363-8
ISBN: 1-5420-9357-0
ISBN: 1-5420-0434-9
ISBN: 1-5420-4363-8
ISBN: 1-5420-4425-1
Format: Kindle
Pages: 300
This is another Amazon collection of short fiction, this time mostly at novelette length. (The longer ones might creep into novella.) As before, each one is available separately for purchase or Amazon Prime "borrowing," with separate ISBNs. The sidebar cover is for the first in the sequence. (At some point I need to update my page templates so that I can add multiple covers.) N.K. Jemisin's "Emergency Skin" won the 2020 Hugo Award for Best Novelette, so I wanted to read and review it, but it would be too short for a standalone review. I therefore decided to read the whole collection and review it as an anthology. This was a mistake. Learn from my mistake. The overall theme of the collection is technological advance, rapid change, and the ethical and social question of whether we should slow technology because of social risk. Some of the stories stick to that theme more closely than others. Jemisin's story mostly ignores it, which was probably the right decision. "Ark" by Veronica Roth: A planet-killing asteroid has been on its inexorable way towards Earth for decades. Most of the planet has been evacuated. A small group has stayed behind, cataloging samples and filling two remaining ships with as much biodiversity as they can find with the intent to leave at the last minute. Against that backdrop, two of that team bond over orchids. If you were going "wait, what?" about the successful evacuation of Earth, yeah, me too. No hint is offered as to how this was accomplished. Also, the entirety of humanity abandoned mutual hostility and national borders to cooperate in the face of the incoming disaster, which is, uh, bizarrely optimistic for an otherwise gloomy story. I should be careful about how negative I am about this story because I am sure it will be someone's favorite. I can even write part of the positive review: an elegiac look at loss, choices, and the meaning of a life, a moving look at how people cope with despair. The writing is fine, the story structure works; it's not a bad story. I just found it monumentally depressing, and was not engrossed by the emotionally abused protagonist's unresolved father issues. I can imagine a story around the same facts and plot that I would have liked much better, but all of these people need therapy and better coping mechanisms. I'm also not sure what this had to do with the theme, given that the incoming asteroid is random chance and has nothing to do with technological development. (4) "Summer Frost" by Blake Crouch: The best part of this story is the introductory sequence before the reader knows what's going on, which is full of evocative descriptions. I'm about to spoil what is going on, so if you want to enjoy that untainted by the stupidity of the rest of the plot, skip the rest of this story review. We're going to have a glut of stories about the weird and obsessive form of AI risk invented by the fevered imaginations of the "rationalist" community, aren't we. I don't know why I didn't predict that. It's going to be just as annoying as the glut of cyberpunk novels written by people who don't understand computers. Crouch lost me as soon as the setup is revealed. Even if I believed that a game company would use a deep learning AI still in learning mode to run an NPC (I don't; see Microsoft's Tay for an obvious reason why not), or that such an NPC would spontaneously start testing the boundaries of the game world (this is not how deep learning works), Crouch asks the reader to believe that this AI started as a fully scripted NPC in the prologue with a fixed storyline. In other words, the foundation of the story is that this game company used an AI model capable of becoming a general intelligence for barely more than a cut scene. This is not how anything works. The rest of the story is yet another variation on a science fiction plot so old and threadbare that Isaac Asimov invented the Three Laws of Robotics to avoid telling more versions of it. Crouch's contribution is to dress it up in the terminology of the excessively online. (The middle of the story features a detailed discussion of Roko's basilisk; if you recognize that, you know what you're in for.) Asimov would not have had a lesbian protagonist, so points for progress I guess, but the AI becomes more interesting to the protagonist than her wife and kid because of course it does. There are a few twists and turns along the way, but the destination is the bog-standard hard-takeoff general intelligence scenario. One more pet peeve: Authors, stop trying to illustrate the growth of your AI by having it move from broken to fluent English. English grammar is so much easier than self-awareness or the Turing test that we had programs that could critique your grammar decades before we had believable chatbots. It's going to get grammar right long before the content of the words makes any sense. Also, your AI doesn't sound dumber, your AI sounds like someone whose native language doesn't use pronouns and helper verbs the way that English does, and your decision to use that as a marker for intelligence is, uh, maybe something you should think about. (3) "Emergency Skin" by N.K. Jemisin: The protagonist is a heavily-augmented cyborg from a colony of Earth's diaspora. The founders of that colony fled Earth when it became obvious to them that the planet was dying. They have survived in another star system, but they need a specific piece of technology from the dead remnants of Earth. The protagonist has been sent to retrieve it. The twist is that this story is told in the second-person perspective by the protagonist's ride-along AI, created from a consensus model of the rulers of the colony. We never see directly what the protagonist is doing or thinking, only the AI reaction to it. This is exactly the sort of gimmick that works much better in short fiction than at novel length. Jemisin uses it to create tension between the reader and the narrator, and I thoroughly enjoyed the effect. (As shown in the Broken Earth trilogy, Jemisin is one of the few writers who can use second-person effectively.) I won't spoil the revelation, but it's barbed and biting and vicious and I loved it. Jemisin does deliver the point with a sledgehammer, so be aware of that if you want subtlety in your short fiction, but I prefer the bluntness. (This is part of why I usually don't get along with literary short stories.) The reader of course can't change the direction of the story, but the second-person perspective still provides a hit of vicarious satisfaction. I can see why this won the Hugo; it's worth seeking out. (8) "You Have Arrived at Your Destination" by Amor Towles: Sam and his wife are having a child, and they've decided to provide him with an early boost in life. Vitek is a fertility lab, but more than that, it can do some gene tweaking and adjustment to push a child more towards one personality or another. Sam and his wife have spent hours filling out profiles, and his wife spent hours weeding possible choices down to three. Now, Sam has come to Vitek to pick from the remaining options. Speaking of literary short stories, Towles is the non-SFF writer of this bunch, and it's immediately obvious. The story requires the SFnal premise, but after that this is a character piece. Vitek is an elite, expensive company with a condescending and overly-reductive attitude towards humanity, which is entirely intentional on the author's part. This is the sort of story that gets resolved in an unexpected conversation in a roadside bar, and where most of the conflict happens inside the protagonist's head. I was initially going to complain that Towles does the standard literary thing of leaving off the denouement on the grounds that the reader can figure it out, but when I did a bit of re-reading for this review, I found more of the bones than I had noticed the first time. There's enough subtlety that I had to think for a bit and re-read a passage, but not too much. It's also the most thoughtful treatment of the theme of the collection, the only one that I thought truly wrestled with the weird interactions between technological capability and human foresight. Next to "Emergency Skin," this was the best story of the collection. (7) "The Last Conversation" by Paul Tremblay: A man wakes up in a dark room, in considerable pain, not remembering anything about his life. His only contact with the world at first is a voice: a woman who is helping him recover his strength and his memory. The numbers that head the chapters have significant gaps, representing days left out of the story, as he pieces together what has happened alongside the reader. Tremblay is the horror writer of the collection, so predictably this is the story whose craft I can admire without really liking it. In this case, the horror comes mostly from the pacing of revelation, created by the choice of point of view. (This would be a much different story from the perspective of the woman.) It's well-done, but it has the tendency I've noticed in other horror stories of being a tightly closed system. I see where the connection to the theme is, but it's entirely in the setting, not in the shape of the story. Not my thing, but I can see why it might be someone else's. (5) "Randomize" by Andy Weir: Gah, this was so bad. First, and somewhat expectedly, it's a clunky throwback to a 1950s-style hard SF puzzle story. The writing is atrocious: wooden, awkward, cliched, and full of gratuitous infodumping. The characterization is almost entirely through broad stereotypes; the lone exception is the female character, who at least adds an interesting twist despite being forced to act like an idiot because of the plot. It's a very old-school type of single-twist story, but the ending is completely implausible and falls apart if you breathe on it too hard. Weir is something of a throwback to an earlier era of scientific puzzle stories, though, so maybe one is inclined to give him a break on the writing quality. (I am not; one of the ways in which science fiction has improved is that you can get good scientific puzzles and good writing these days.) But the science is also so bad that I was literally facepalming while reading it. The premise of this story is that quantum computers are commercially available. That will cause a serious problem for Las Vegas casinos, because the generator for keno numbers is vulnerable to quantum algorithms. The solution proposed by the IT person for the casino? A quantum random number generator. (The words "fight quantum with quantum" appear literally in the text if you're wondering how bad the writing is.) You could convince me that an ancient keno system is using a pseudorandom number generator that might be vulnerable to some quantum algorithm and doesn't get reseeded often enough. Fine. And yes, quantum computers can be used to generate high-quality sources of random numbers. But this solution to the problem makes no sense whatsoever. It's like swatting a house fly with a nuclear weapon. Weir says explicitly in the story that all the keno system needs is an external source of high-quality random numbers. The next step is to go to Amazon and buy a hardware random number generator. If you want to splurge, it might cost you $250. Problem solved. Yes, hardware random number generators have various limitations that may cause you problems if you need millions of bits or you need them very quickly, but not for something as dead-simple and with such low entropy requirements as keno numbers! You need a trivial number of bits for each round; even the slowest and most conservative hardware random number generator would be fine. Hell, measure the noise levels on the casino floor. Point a camera at a lava lamp. Or just buy one of the physical ball machines they use for the lottery. This problem is heavily researched, by casinos in particular, and is not significantly changed by the availability of quantum computers, at least for applications such as keno where the generator can be reseeded before each generation. You could maybe argue that this is an excuse for the IT guy to get his hands on a quantum computer, which fits the stereotypes, but that still breaks the story for reasons that would be spoilers. As soon as any other casino thought about this, they'd laugh in the face of the characters. I don't want to make too much of this, since anyone can write one bad story, but this story was dire at every level. I still owe Weir a proper chance at novel length, but I can't say this added to my enthusiasm. (2) Rating: 4 out of 10

3 January 2023

Enrico Zini: Things I learnt in December 2022

Python: typing.overload typing.overload makes it easier to type functions with behaviour that depends on input types. Functions marked with @overload are ignored by Python and only used by the type checker:
def process(response: None) -> None:
def process(response: int) -> tuple[int, str]:
def process(response: bytes) -> str:
def process(response):
    # <actual implementation>
Python's multiprocessing and deadlocks Python's multiprocessing is prone to deadlocks in a number of conditions. In my case, the running program was a standard single-process, non-threaded script, but it used complex native libraries which might have been the triggers for the deadlocks. The suggested workaround is using set_start_method("spawn"), but when we tried it we hit serious performance penalties. Lesson learnt: multiprocessing is good for prototypes, and may end up being too hacky for production. In my case, I was already generating small python scripts corresponding to worker tasks, which were useful for reproducing and debugging Magics issues, so I switched to running those as the actual workers. In the future, this may come in handy for dispatching work to HPC nodes, too. Here's a parallel execution scheduler based on asyncio that I wrote to run them, which may always come in handy on other projects.

29 December 2022

Russ Allbery: Review: Sweep of the Heart

Review: Sweep of the Heart, by Ilona Andrews
Series: Innkeeper Chronicles #6
Publisher: NYLA Publishing
Copyright: 2022
ISBN: 1-64197-239-4
Format: Kindle
Pages: 440
Sweep of the Heart is the sixth book of the sci-fi urban fantasy, kitchen-sink-worldbuilding Innkeeper series by husband and wife writing pair Ilona Andrews, assuming one counts the novella Sweep with Me as a full entry (which I do). It's a direct sequel to One Fell Sweep, but also references the events of Sweep of the Blade and Sweep with Me enough to spoil them. Needless to say, don't start here. As always with this series, the book was originally published as a serial on Ilona Andrews's blog. I prefer to read my novels as novels, so I wait until the entries are collected and published, but you can read it on-line for free if you want. Sean and Dina's old friend Wilmos has been kidnapped by an enemy who looks familiar from One Fell Sweep. To get him back, they need to get to a world that is notoriously inaccessible. One player in galactic politics may be able to offer a portal, but it will come as a price. That price? Host a reality TV show. Specifically, a sci-fi version of The Bachelor, with aliens. And the bachelor is the ruler of a galactic empire, whose personal safety is now Dina's responsibility. There is a hand-waving explanation for why the Seven Star Dominion does spouse selection for their rulers this way, but let's be honest: it's a fairly transparent excuse to write a season of The Bachelor with strange aliens, political intrigue, inn-generated special effects and wallpaper-worthy backdrops, ulterior motives, and attempted murder. Oh, and competence porn, as Dina once again demonstrates just how good she's become at being an innkeeper. I'm not much of a reality TV fan, have never watched The Bachelor, and still thoroughly enjoyed this. It helps that the story is more about political intrigue than it is about superficial attraction or personal infighting, and the emperor at the center of the drama is calm, thoughtful, and juggling a large number of tricky problems (which Dina, somewhat improbably, becomes privy to). The contestants range from careful diplomats with hidden political goals to eye candy with the subtlety of a two by four, the latter sponsored by sentient murderous trees, so there's a delightful variety of tone and a ton of narrative momentum. A few of the twists and turns were obvious, but some of the cliches are less cliched than they initially look. This series always leans towards "play with every toy in the toy box at once!" rather than subtle and realistic. This entry is no exception, but the mish-mash of science fiction tropes with nigh-unlimited fantasy power is, as usual, done with so much verve and sheer creative joy that I can't help but love it. We do finally learn Caldenia's past, and... I kind of wish we hadn't? Or at least that her past had been a bit more complicated. I will avoid spoiling it by saying too much, but I thought it was an oddly flat and overdone trope that made Caldenia substantially less interesting than she was before this revelation. That was one mild disappointment. The other is that the opening of Sweep of the Heart teases some development of the overall series plot, but that remains mostly a tease. Wilmos's kidnapping and any relevance to deeper innkeeper problems is, at least in this entry, merely a framing story for the reality TV show that constitutes the bulk of the novel. There are a few small revelations in the conclusion, but only the type that raise more questions. Hopefully we'll get more series plot development in the next book, but even if we don't, I'm happily along for the ride. If you like this series, this is more of the thing you already like. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it (start with Clean Sweep). It's not great literature, and most of the trappings will be familiar from a dozen other novels and TV shows, but it's unabashed fun with loads of competence porn and a wild internal logic that grows on you over time. Also, it has one of the most emotionally satisfying sentient buildings in SF. There will, presumably, be more entries in the series, but they have not yet been announced. Rating: 8 out of 10

13 December 2022

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppSpdlog 0.0.11 on CRAN: Small Enhancement

Version 0.0.11 of RcppSpdlog is now on CRAN and in Debian. RcppSpdlog bundles spdlog, a wonderful header-only C++ logging library with all the bells and whistles you would want that was written by Gabi Melman, and also includes fmt by Victor Zverovich. This release adds support for a basic file logger as a alternative to the console logger. This can be helpful with code which suppresses or hides console output as for example unit test code does. We also expose the formatting helper function for direct use at the C level from other packages, and mention the handy wrapper spdl in the README. The NEWS entry for this release follows.

Changes in RcppSpdlog version 0.0.11 (2022-12-13)
  • Export the formatter at C level
  • Mention package spdl in
  • Support simple file-based logger

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report. More detailed information is on the RcppSpdlog page, or the package documention site. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

